12/07/17: The Lake Chad Crisis – A Silent Emergency

The All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group (PHRG) held a joint panel discussion, in conjunction with the British Red Cross, on the Lake Chad Crisis on 12 July to raise greater awareness about the current crisis in the Lake Chad region, and to explore what more needs to be done to alleviate human suffering there and, ultimately, to resolve the crisis.

We would like to thank Rt Hon Ann Clwyd, PHRG Chair, for chairing this event.

The speakers were:

  • H. E. Matthew Rycroft CBE – UK Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York (MR);
  • Alexander Matheou – Executive Director of the British Red Cross, International Directorate (AM);
  • Markus Geisser – Senior Humanitarian Affairs & Policy Adviser, ICRC (MG);
  • Dr Natalie Roberts – Head of Emergency Operations, Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) France (NR);
  • Kate Osamor MP – Chair, Nigeria APPG (KO).


The main points raised were as follows:

  • This crisis in north-east Nigeria is in its eighth year and now has a regional dimension, with spill-over in Niger, Chad and Cameroon. Excessive counter-insurgency tactics have served to undermine food production. (MG) There are currently 10 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. (AM)
  • The British Red Cross appeal for the Lake Chad crisis has raised comparatively less than other emergencies of this scale, particularly in comparison to the Nepal earthquake appeal where millions were raised in a few days. With a long-running crisis situation such as this, it can be harder to mobilise the humanitarian response. (AM)  Similarly, the UN programme in connection with the Lake Chad crisis has only been 23% funded; there is a large gap between the money pledged and the money received.  DFID, however, has provided £100 million to help the most vulnerable. (MR)
  • National Red Cross societies, which are present in all the affected countries, are the first respondents.  The ICRC has dedicated £140 million to the Lake Chad crisis, as much as its funding for Syria. Cash payments are being provided to those in need to stimulate local economies and there is also a focus on long-term food production, healthcare, water and water supply systems, and family tracing programmes. (MG)
  • Many people are trapped between the insurgency and counter-insurgency operations. People who live in camps are effectively stuck as they become dependent on aid and are unable to move freely as either they are not allowed to leave or the military or civilian vigilantes screen them each time they leave and re-enter, with levels of extortion often involved.  The military fears that any aid supplies given to those in the camps could be passed on to members of Boko Haram. International NGOs therefore often have very limited access to these camps and restrictions on the aid they are able to provide, while they have no access to people living in areas of territory which are not under military control. (NR)
  • Lack of respect for International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is a key issue in this crisis. (AM) It is important that all parties to the conflict are made aware of their obligations in relation to IHL, though the nature of asymmetric warfare means that the nature of relations with warring parties is asymmetric. Those with influence on the warring parties should ensure there is compliance with IHL, e.g., by encouraging investigations into alleged IHL breaches. (MG)
  • There are reports of refugees being forcibly returned, which is contrary to IHL. The UK Government has a strong relationship with the Nigerian Government, as does France with Cameroon, which can help to influence on topics such as these. Violations of IHL must be investigated and those responsible held accountable. In the longer-term, respect for IHL is the way to defeat terrorism. (MR)
  • MR led a UN Security Council visit to the Lake Chad region and met with many people impacted by the crisis. It was evident that climate change, poor governance and Boko Haram activity are factors driving this crisis.(MR)
  • The UK drafted the UNSC Resolution 2349 on the Lake Chad crisis after the visit.  The Resolution is meant to highlight the need for an integrated approach, as well as sustained international engagement, to resolve the crisis. (MR)
  • There needs to be cooperation by states in the region to create a long-term plan to demobilise and reintegrate Boko Haram fighters. (MR)
  • The debate on this crisis is not moving fast enough and there needs to be an honest discussion on what is needed. For example, on the issue of climate change: some people who have been displaced cannot go back home. It is also key that money pledged goes towards supporting women and rebuilding communities where there are now no men and nothing left, and to provide mental health support. We need to look holistically at the people and their communities. (KO)


The PHRG will continue to monitor the situation in the Lake Chad region closely and to raise its concerns, particularly in connection with civilian protection, with the relevant interlocutors.

14/12/16: Iraq – The Humanitarian Situation in Mosul and the Work of the UN World Food Programme

The All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group met with Alex Murdoch on 14 December from the UN World Food Programme (UN WFP) to discuss the current humanitarian situation in Mosul.

The main points raised at this meeting were as follows:

  • Mosul is a very densely packed city; the Iraqi army has been able to re-capture the outskirts but many people remain within the Daesh-controlled inner parts of the city. Daesh has cut off water and power here, and the fight to re-capture Mosul from them is likely to become protracted. The Iraqi army have been fighting to recapture other cities and towns, and are now getting tired.
  • The UN WFP has a strategy for reaching those fleeing Daesh and the conflict. In the first instance, rapid-response food packages are given, then a food assessment is carried out, followed by the provision of a months’ worth of food supply to families who continue to be deemed vulnerable.
  • The UN WFP is working closely with the Iraqi army and Government to ensure that civilians are given food, but they are unable to reach Daesh-controlled areas. Though it remains unclear, there could be up to 1.5 million people still trapped in Mosul.
  • Some families have been separated for over two years, after Daesh took control of the city.
  • Screening centres in newly recaptured areas are managed by the Iraqi Government. Men and women are separated and it can take a while to be reunited again.

The PHRG will continue to review civilian protection needs in Mosul, as well as in other areas in the Middle East where there is on-going conflict, with a view to getting relevant agencies and Governments to respond to civilians in immediate need of humanitarian assistance.

29/11/16: South Sudan Panel Discussion- “5 years on from independence: Where next for South Sudan?”

The All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group (PHRG) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sudan and South Sudan held a panel discussion “5 years on from independence: Where next for South Sudan?”, on 29 November.

 We would like to thank Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead (BK), Vice-Chair of the APPG for Sudan & South Sudan, for chairing this event.

 The speakers were:

  • Anna Oosterlinck – Member, the UN Panel of Experts on South Sudan (AO);
  • Emma Fanning – Humanitarian Policy Advisor (South Sudan lead), Oxfam (EF);
  • Rosalind Marsden – Former Ambassador to Sudan & Associate Fellow, Chatham House (RM).

The main points which arose were as follows:

  • The security situation in South Sudan, including in the Equatorias region, is very concerning and likely to deteriorate further, particularly with the approaching dry season. (RM)
  • There are currently an estimated 1.8 million Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in the country, and 1.1 million have sought refuge in neighbouring countries, and 1.1 million have sought refuge in neighbouring countries. Cases of cholera have increased; 1 in 3 people now face severe food insecurity and many people lack access to medicines. (EF)
  • The government has spent 50% of its budget on the military, leaving essential services without adequate funding. In addition to the dramatic rise in inflation – 850% in July, there is little chance to earn a wage in South Sudan. (EF)
  • Political divisions are growing, including along ethnic lines, particularly following the removal of SPLM-IO leader Riek Machar. (RM & EF)
  • The increase in hate speech in the country, most notably through social media, (RM & AO) is increasing tensions and hampering the delivery of humanitarian aid. (EF)
  • There is an increasing need for humanitarian aid in South Sudan, yet aid is becoming more difficult to get in, with aid workers under attack, and inadequate funding and capacity limitations. Between July and October, 13 humanitarian aid workers were killed, and many aid organisations have been evacuated due to the violence. The regional humanitarian aid response to South Sudan has only been 27% funded. (EF)
  • The UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide has noted the potential for genocide in South Sudan. As the violence escalates along ethnic lines, there are fears of a process of genocide developing which the international community must act immediately to prevent. (AO + BK
  • Political inclusivity is key to ending the conflict. The international community must help calm the rhetoric and ensure a wide range of voices are heard. (RM)
  • An arms embargo and the possibility of targeted sanctions should be used to get decision-makers to come to the table. Civil society has a key role to play too. The creation of a hybrid court to end impunity, which has fuelled the cycle of mass-atrocities, should also be considered. (AO)
  • The UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) should play a key role in providing protection and should be reformed. (EF)


The PHRG will continue to monitor the situation in South Sudan, in particular increasing hate speech, and raise its concerns with relevant interlocutors.

The United Nations panel of experts in September 2016 presented a letter to the President of the Security Council regarding the situation in South Sudan and the need for action, which can be read here.