19/11/14 – Panel Discussion on Bilateral and Multilateral Investment Treaties: Is the UK government upholding its commitments on human rights in business and investment?

The All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group (PHRG), together with ABColombia, Traidcraft and the Trade Justice Movement, organised the above panel discussion.

The PHRG would like to thank Martin Horwood MP for chairing the event, as well as the following speakers:

Andrea Shemberg, Co-Lead, LSE’s Hub on Investment and Human Rights. (“Ash”)
Louise Winstanley, Programme and Advocacy Manager, ABColombia. (“LW”)
Andrea Saldarriaga, Co-Lead, LSE’s Hub on Investment and Human Rights. (“ASa”)
Lorenzo Cotula, Principal Researcher in Law and Sustainable Development at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), where he leads the Legal Tools Team. (“LC”)
Ruth Bergan, Coordinator, Trade Justice Movement. (“RB”)

The main points/issues raised during the meeting were as follows:

• The UK government’s adoption of a National Action Plan under the UN Guiding Principles to regulate business and human rights commits the government not to “undermine the host country’s ability to meet its international human rights obligations.” (ASh)
UK-Colombia BIT is affecting the capacity of the Colombian Government to regulate in the public’s interest, due to threats of investor litigation (LW)
• The UK Government has committed to supporting Colombia’s Land Restitution Law, but that the UK-Colombia BIT could undermine this attempt to restore land to displaced peoples in the country (LW)
• The upcoming ratification of the UK-Ethiopia BIT is an important opportunity for UK Parliamentarians to improve scrutiny of BITs. (LC)
• The investment chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) must be specifically questioned and scrutinised by Parliamentarians. (RB)

The PHRG will continue to follow developments on the issue of investment treaties and human rights.